Monday, May 09, 2005

Support Why Fidelity

Does Why Fidelity float your boat?
Do you want to hear more, more, more?
I've got scads of great tunes lined up for future podcasts but I can't convince my better half to let me spend any more folding green stuff to upgrade my hosting account (or buy a mic and better mixing software). That's where you, gentle listener, come in...

If you enjoy Why Fidelity and would like to help me buy an honest to god Microphone, some upgraded podcasting software and at least double the storage capacity (more capacity means more shows) then please donate a few bucks to the cause. Every donation of $5 or more will get your favorite website (yours or anyone else's - so long as it's legal and not X-rated) or business mentioned in the next podcast and in that podcasts' blog entry. You'll also earn some good karma and know that you're helping Why Fidelity grow...

If you're not that big a fan or simply don't have any spare change the you can also support Why Fidelity by clicking on one of our Google Ad links and checking out what they have to offer. It only takes a second, I get a few cents and you get to visit a (hopefully) cool site. Everyone wins!